Our advocacy document "Reimagining Education in Queensland's State Primary Schools" and its supporting white paper, explore how we might create a new story of schooling. A suite of position statements are also available for download.

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Australian Curriculum

Timelines for the roll out of Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum in Queensland schools must be reviewed.

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Head of Department – Curriculum

All schools should have Head of Department – Curriculum positions as a part of the allocative model.

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Principal Coaching and Mentoring

Every principal needs access to mentoring and coaching.

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School Leader Retention and Principal Autonomy to Lead

To retain school leaders, the Department of Education should empower principals to deliver high performance cultures. .

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School Leader Wellbeing

Department of Education ensures continuous, prioritised and resourced support for all school leaders’ growth.

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School Leader Workload

Workload and its representation is site and role description specific.

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Special Schools Access

Maintain access to special schools for students with significant support needs, complex behaviour, or health needs.

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Reimagining Education in Queensland's State Primary Schools

If we are to equip our students with the skills and mindsets to thrive in increasingly complex global workplaces, we must recognise the limitations of our current story of schooling. How might we create a new paradigm to replace an industrial-age model of education?